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(很抱歉 但是英语不是我的母语)很棒的游戏,但我希望可以在失败后回到这个章节之前bro每次都要像西西弗斯一样 把游戏进度还原 有趣的是 (The following is related to the content of game)

女性藤蔓在看到男性藤蔓f**king“heroines”的时候会爆炸 以及在第一章节概率出现的“友好的(我不确定是老鼠还是什么的生物 但能确定是由红色的怪物改变色所创作出来的)”金三角主题的封面(查看创作名单后出现) 整个游戏的主体很有趣 (这就是为什么我在第二章卡关了“9个小时”😥😥😥还会继续玩下去的原因)

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help i also cant download it


Can't you download the rar file itself? I'll check this out

Whats the chance of encountering Beholly? I've never seen her

Should be 1/3 of a chance to find her unless you are using one of the keys from the claw machine

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Ig my luck just sucks

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See at t map.if the mountain t Will seen her.if right,u ll seen slimma.and if theres nothing.u Will fight with straw


Android version seems broken as of now.

Still good game tho.

We are looking into optimizing the game on android as much as we can

Really cool game, though its hard is fun to play maybe a bit  overwhelming when you cant deal with enemies on time but thats just part of the game lmao. 

On a side note, hoping for the hot dino girl on the dojo to become playable.

Glad you enjoyed, if you need strategies we have a channel on our server for it

Hey so I can't download the game in the app for whatever reason. It gives me the error that: "could not unmarshall legacy itch receipt ." I can download and play the game by manually downloading it, but if possible it would be nice to run through the app. Any advice from someone who knows more than I do would be appreciated.

Sounds like an itch issue, so if anyone knows more about this I'd like to know as well

I think the mushrooms may be a little bit too strong

Leave a feedback in the discord channel and we'll take a look at it

Will there be a reward for filling out the whole bestiary with every entry

No plan at this time but who knows

As soon as I enter the combat zone, the game crashes and throws me back to the main screen. 


Android version? Probably not enough memory

Yes android, I have 55 gigabytes of free memory 

Ram memory

I seriously love this game


Nice collab on world 2 (I got cooked)

Glad you liked it

The game is very good and entertaining but I have 3 questions 1 Is there any difference between the version here and the Steam version or not? 2 download the window version if an update comes out I should delete the previous version with the new one or simply put the files already created with the new ones I say it based on my progress to know if I will lose it or not And finally do you plan to add new heroes to change others or something that is more customizable for a future?

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Glad you liked it
1- Steam is the demo of the game that only features the first level, this version has more content and we are currently finishing the second level.

2-You can delete the main game folder and download the new game version, your saves should still be there
3- We have new outfits for the  girls and will add more in the future,  regarding  new  main   characters I can't say anything about that

Or I see thanks for the information and don't worry I understand Keep up the good work you have a great game ahead of you I hope that in the future they will also include more languages like Spanish although remember to take breaks so as not to overload yourself take your time and Finally ¿how do I get the thread that the girl asks me for for the heroines for her other costumes? and if you have more people helping in the game great support and luck to everyone game 20/10 HD 4k and god With the best name in the world xdddd

Any armor left after a level gives you thread to buy some clothing

ohh okey thx

Is there or will there be any way to save the girl trapped by the magic dildo thing

There is

How she just died the only time I encountered her

Try not attacking her, only her minions

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Ill keep it in mind next time I see her

Does she die if I accidentally hit her once with like crash damage or something 

This is some Isekai anime naming scheme

10/10 name

I haven't tried it as of right now but i have high hopes because i adore turn based strategy games

Try it and let me know what you think

well crap

Don't worry i get used to these kinds of bugs


I fuckin love SHCUTAGWGHNTSL :3


That sounds like some eldritch language

I have to download it just for that name

Try it


it wont install for me

May be memory limitation

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This game is quite fun although I have been having a bit of trouble joining the Discord server for some reason if you could I would like a fresh link to see if that works

Try this

AORN, the game is a  little too rng to feel balanced. It's mostly in the enemy spawn rates, as sometimes you don't get enemies for rounds and sometimes its three a round constantly. (also the mushroom area is far to hard.) Love the game though, its really fun and I love the different degrees of depth to it. (your humor is great btw)

Oh yeah aorn means as of right now, sorry

If you need some strategies we have a channel in discord dedicated to it

Really like this game, very cool idea but with how many enemies you fight, could you make this an autobattler of some sort. Perhaps giving allies turn CDs for abilities on use

If you get all girls infected with mushroom it kinda becomes an autobattler, but if you need strategies we have a channel on discord just for that

Havent had issues with the game also its really enjoyable and funny. 

Glad you enjoy it

The game crashes right as it loads into a combat area. I can get through the tutorial just fine. The monologing but as soon as the load screen turns on. The game crashes on me. An i have 4gb ram. Which should be plenty for a game such as this

Sadly, the problem is probably the ram

I've got 10gb ram on my phone and it still crashes

Give me more details

Well, this message appears on my phone, which seems like a bug.

The screen goes completely black, and when I enter the tower, the game crashes. 

But everything works fine on the PC 

I ain't able to get a picture, because it makes my whole phone crash, like a blue glitchy screen, I have to power my phone off entirely to get off it

What genre is this game :)

Turn based Strategy with some Rogue-like elements.


error when downloading

Give me details



yes I have been getting a very similar message whenever I try to download the game as well


Does anyone else have problems playing the game on mobile? Every time I try to play my game crashes it could be instantly when I start floor 1 or while on the middle of a battle is this just a me problem?

Most likely it's not enough memory

Yep my cell phone also gets too hot and now since 2.81 it crashes more and I couldn't get to the first boss, a shame but I still find it a really great game.

why it is black screen

Give more details

How can I get thread? I already have all the rainbow needles and I still don't know how to get thread.

After you have unlocked seam's tent, any level that you finish with armor will add to your thread count

why is the file for Mac a .rar file instead of something like .zip or other files compatible with Archive utility on Mac? You would need a third party app to open .rar files on Mac and when I did just that the app wasn't able to open. Are you unable to make a compatible file with Archive utility on Mac? If you can't, sorry for being on your ass about it man, seems like a great game, keep it up ☆

Had no idea rar files had that problem on mac, I just use winrar to compress the files

Is there a way to unlock everything without playing for hours?


You can reach out on the discord server, some people have these kind of mods


It looks like mods don't work on android But thanks for replying big fan of your game btw

How do i unlock the outfit shop?


Play the game

You unlock it by getting a magical needle, there are three currently in the game

such a fuuuun game!!!!!!



Can you hear the game sound when that happens?

yes,I can

I try to play the version 2.72 and it's doesn't load anything, just the dialogue, it's all black, I don't know why this happened (sorry for my bad english) 

Are you playing on windows? Or phone?

Deleted 48 days ago

How much memory your phone has?

Deleted 48 days ago

Ram memory

Deleted 48 days ago

Dude how do you even play any games with that amount of ram...

When I'm on the resting place after completing the first level, whenever i try to buy something on the S.L.A.V.E like removing or buying clothes for the heroin, it revered back to how they are before purchasing them 

I'll check it out, thanks

It seem that if I purchased stuff from S.L.A.V.E before i click on the save&exit on the resting place, it work as intended and carry on the next level

Whenever i play, sometimes it lag's and the screen freeze's while the background music is playing for a good couple of minutes before i can move and interact again. It never has happened before the update though 

I'm looking at this but I can't see a pattern to it yet

Is there a third rainbow needle? I got one from the shop and one from the doll fight, but I can't find a third one.

The last one is given by wendi, a secret boss. Let me know if you need help finding her

Sure give me a hint, I have no idea :)

If you get more than 400 coins, something will appear over the girls in the map

does anyone ever beat the first 4 lvl?

i only manage to reach the first boss, and always got overwhelmed in the end by sheer number enemy there are.

is there any strategy i can use to beat it?

We have lots of strategies in our discord channel

I can't join the says the link is expired

Try this one


Can we have the Spanish language in the future?

I think there's a spanish fanstranslation on the discord server

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