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why it is black screen

Give more details

How can I get thread? I already have all the rainbow needles and I still don't know how to get thread.

After you have unlocked seam's tent, any level that you finish with armor will add to your thread count

why is the file for Mac a .rar file instead of something like .zip or other files compatible with Archive utility on Mac? You would need a third party app to open .rar files on Mac and when I did just that the app wasn't able to open. Are you unable to make a compatible file with Archive utility on Mac? If you can't, sorry for being on your ass about it man, seems like a great game, keep it up ☆

Had no idea rar files had that problem on mac, I just use winrar to compress the files

Is there a way to unlock everything without playing for hours?

You can reach out on the discord server, some people have these kind of mods


It looks like mods don't work on android But thanks for replying big fan of your game btw

How do i unlock the outfit shop?


Play the game

You unlock it by getting a magical needle, there are three currently in the game

such a fuuuun game!!!!!!



Can you hear the game sound when that happens?

yes,I can

I try to play the version 2.72 and it's doesn't load anything, just the dialogue, it's all black, I don't know why this happened (sorry for my bad english) 

Are you playing on windows? Or phone?

Deleted 15 days ago

How much memory your phone has?

Deleted 15 days ago

Ram memory

Deleted 15 days ago

Dude how do you even play any games with that amount of ram...

When I'm on the resting place after completing the first level, whenever i try to buy something on the S.L.A.V.E like removing or buying clothes for the heroin, it revered back to how they are before purchasing them 

I'll check it out, thanks

It seem that if I purchased stuff from S.L.A.V.E before i click on the save&exit on the resting place, it work as intended and carry on the next level

Whenever i play, sometimes it lag's and the screen freeze's while the background music is playing for a good couple of minutes before i can move and interact again. It never has happened before the update though 

I'm looking at this but I can't see a pattern to it yet

Is there a third rainbow needle? I got one from the shop and one from the doll fight, but I can't find a third one.

The last one is given by wendi, a secret boss. Let me know if you need help finding her

Sure give me a hint, I have no idea :)

If you get more than 400 coins, something will appear over the girls in the map

does anyone ever beat the first 4 lvl?

i only manage to reach the first boss, and always got overwhelmed in the end by sheer number enemy there are.

is there any strategy i can use to beat it?

We have lots of strategies in our discord channel

I can't join the says the link is expired

Try this one


Can we have the Spanish language in the future?

I think there's a spanish fanstranslation on the discord server


could you make a Windows Zip version

You can download it directly on

Any cheat codes?

No but there are mods in the discord server if you are interested

Either a bug or a coding error: sometimes the dialogue and the characters name are swapped for... some reason (so the actual dialogue is immediately displayed and the character just says their name, here's a screenshot)

What version of the game are you on? I'll take a look into this

Last one, aka 2.70

The game has a bug where you can't even close out

Ctrl+Alt+Delete, task manager, nuke it, annoying but at least you can still close out.

(I understand that you probably know that, but trust me, there are people who don't)


I did one better, Ctrl+Alt+Delete, Files, Recycling ben, Empty, Re-Install, lose on boss fight every single time

I'll take a look into that, can you select other option in the menu screen when this happens?

I haven't had the same problem in a while but in my first experience downloading the game I got to the very end and lost a few times. I went to exit the game, and the thank you for playing screen popped up and refused to be closed.

I found a new bug tho

Its an amazing game but I have a little problem with the new update. 

The previous update worked very well on my phone (Android) but now the game crashes on the loading screen 

Hopefully with the next patch this will be solved.




Its God awful.  Crashes every 5 minutes.  thankfully theres the "Speedrunner" option so I can know exactly when the game crashes. Which is conveniently the same amount of time it takes for you to actually make any progress. Such as defeating the first mini boss to unlock new stuff only for the game to crash when you lose so it Bill and voids your progress. 12 hours and I STILL only have the stupid bitch in the tent at the start of the game. Because progressing is virtually impossible. 

until they can actually pit out a meaningful update that helps prevent or make these crashes less common. This is simply a dumb pointless game 

Someone isn't happy...

What are you running this on?


PC specifically on the alienware PC


So it's not an awful game then. It just happens to be particularly unstable on your machine, as an early access game. Which is something you can report on tactfully, as it's the *purpose* of early access in games to help testing and refining it while it's being made.

Let me know in more details the crashes you are experiencing, and I'll do my best to fix those


If there really is gonna be no futa. Then I guess the game was fun while it lasted.


Glad you enjoyed

I have buh the game is don’t come

Deleted post

Thanks, I'll keep this in mind when releasing the next patch


La verdad me sorprendió que sea vastante entretenido,

Una pregunta tienes pensado traducirlo al español porque la versión que está en el discord le faltan varios diálogos,

Otra cosa tienes pensado cuantos pisos van a haber o no lo tienes previsto por ahora

Espero que la pases bien en navidad y que tengas suerte en el desarrollo del juego bye 🥰

The plan is to have 3 levels, each with at least 3 layouts. As for the translation, I'm sure it will be updated to the latest game version soon. thanks

Gracias espero que te vaya bien en el desarrollo 

ir shows a descompression error

No idea what this mean, you can download it directly on


I having trouble as it says that it's broken and can't be opened on the mac version

I'm not experienced with mac, but if you want you can hop into discord and we can take a look into making it play on mac

i managed to get it working after looking up a video, thanks though

how did ya do it? i cant download it

I had no luck downloading this on the Itch app, so I used the web. Then, when I tried opening it, it said it couldn't be opened. So for this, I went to the app and right-clicked to show packaged contents, here, you should see a MacOS folder with the game inside. 

You gotta open up your terminal and type "sudo chmod 755" Put a space and drag over the file from earlier. Hit enter and type your password

This should turn the game into an executable.

This usually worked for most mac games, but this time it said it was broken.

you can go to the terminal again and type "sudo xattr -d" space and drag the same file from before

This strips the attributes of the game that tells the mac that it's been altered/broken/corrupted (idk not a expert). Really be careful because doing this to the wrong app will definitely give you a virus

At this point it should work. I'm not good at explaining. but the videos I used are 

MACOS can't open app !? - Nestables how to fix it 


How to Fix "App is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash Error" on Mac 2924


sadly the android version STILL is unplayable on devices that run android 14, i really hope you guys will work on fixing this soon, because it still shows that "the app is incompatible with your device" when i try and download the new apk

I'm working on porting this game to a new engine version, to address this problem


As incredible as this game looks the android version crashes any time I try entering the tower so im unable to progres. 

I get to the loading screen and it just goes kaput. 

Its a really good game from what I've seen just a shame I haven't seen much.

Same, I can't progress beyond the intro point too.

This is most likely insufficient memory, not much I can do about it.


I'd say my only other thing. I love it. But I really do wish there was some Futa Enemy's.


Futa just makes the game disgusting, it's better the way it is now.

yuri s better than futa




Normal MxF And Yuri is boring and overdone.


Up to you,but having 2 genitals is disgusting



to each their own, there are wayy worse fetishes than futa


Really. Futa isn't even a bad fetish. If anything monster fetishes are the ones that make me question people.


There is whole ass RPGs with Futa in it. I bet you know which ones, one is really well done too. Play those. 

I'm neutral towards this, don't really see much bad in it, considering what else exists (I am forever scarred by the internet)

There will be no futas in this game. Glad you liked it.


Was excited to play it but it crashes everytime i hit a load screen

Is it on android?


(1 edit) (-1)

Banger game and art

also plz tell me this game has yuri

What's yuri?

Basically female-on-female.

Less graphic than yaoi. (Male-on-male)

(1 edit)

Isn't it technically in (with the doll possession thing (very technically. I'd count that as its own thing, completely separated from what you said))

Pretty much this

how far is the game from completion?

One new layout for level 2, and all layouts needed for level 3

is there a way to change the outfits cuase i like the ninja when she has nipple piercings.


Yes, you can unlock a tent in the hub that allows you to change clothing


Still incompatible 😭😭😭😭


I'll update the game engine in the next release and that problem should go away for good

Phff it's okay don't stress about it too much I am sure you'll figure something out ^^, more waiting for me...


Wow this is surprisingly good, don't have any real complains besides 1: enemies swarming real fast and 2: no "sandbox" mode (self explanatory but I'll say what I'd like in it if it were to be added: ability to change the NUMBERS to whatever you want, spawn stuff and give it attributes and, well, no consequences for actions (also good place to practice STRATEGY) yeah so... that's it... reply if you see this I guess)


Thanks, we have plans for things like that in the future

Ready to try the new version 😔👍

It doesn't work now in my cellphone 😔👍

You can dm me with the details if you want

when i try to start a new run , is loading and then the game close (can i transfer the progres to my pc?)

Juegazo, después de perder como unas 20 veces por primera vez le gane a un jefe, la banda sonora es re divertida para estar horas jugando y el modo de juego es bastante entretenido y desafiante, pero si le agarras la mano termina siendo un muy buen juego, ademas de que las personajes son muy lindas, en especial la de la espada


This game rng (im on android btw) is annoying me so much, i just cant progress past the first boss :(

If you need help with strategies we have a channel for that on our discord

Do you have Chinese

No one made a fan translation of chinese yet, we will look into official translations when the game is close to being done

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