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Hello, I hope you are well, the game I loved the style, it is very unique but I have a doubt at the end when all the players are defeated, it is normal that the gold is never saved, is there a way to improve the characters because I never manage to get past the 3rd round is normal or is it just me that I can't do it Greetings, excellent game and I look forward to new versions in the future.

Thanks! It is normal for the gold coins not to carry over, only the blue ones do. If you want some strategies, our discord community has loads of them.

Thanks, I'll play through discord to see if I can advance. I really like the game and it has been widely accepted in the Spanish-speaking community.

p.s: I'm sorry if my English is not the best, the truth is I use Google Translate :D

Thanks! What do you mean by spanish-speaking community btw?

aaaa I forgot, sorry, I dedicate myself in my free time to trying different games with adult themes and I upload them in video format showing the game and doing a kind of review, all of this in Spanish My audience received the game very well. They say that visually it is very attractive and the way it plays is fun. They highly praise the combat system. In short, they had a great reception from my audience, which makes me happy because it is entertaining for me to record the videos. Hello and I repeat, I'm sorry if the English is bad because it's literal, Google Translator is looking forward to future updates. greetings :D

Very nice! We are planning on translations so that the game will be more accessible. What is your channel?

I have had problems starting the game on Android after clicking the start door and passing the loading screen, a black screen appears and it closes, I know it may not help much but at least I wanted to notify this (if something reads strange I am with the translator)

Perhaps it's a lack of memory problem? What is your phone model? You can DM me

i don't know what's DM... but sure maybe it's the RAM i have a A01 Samsung with 2 GB RAM

Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into it

The download is by mega and it's not working at all on mega do you have an other way of downloading the game ?

What kind of problems are you having, and what do you recommend for mirrors?

Maybe you can use Mediafire Or drive google? i think it's because MEGA have a download limit


So I play on Android and it keeps on exiting out when I get to the archer just before I name her and I closed all my apps what do I do?

Buddy, how did you download Android? Why did I download no response... Can you share the download link?

Here you go

Are you still having this problem? I'll look into it. For now try skipping the tutorial and let me know if that works for you. Thanks and sorry about that

I already did that by just pressing continue without naming them I think that and the amount of enemies that doesn't take a toll on the android version making it force quit and not show an error message

I use the mobile phone login, why every download has no response, no file pop-up prompt download

The game is a mega download. Maybe the itch app has a problem with that? I'll look more into it

I like it a lot! Mechanics are really fun, even if things get repetitive after a while. I like the idea of having multiple playable characters - for instance by saving a new slave from the slaver, or by beating a boss. Like an alternative choice for an archer or the sword.

I'm not entirely sure how the world map works. (Does it have like 1-1, 1-2 and more? I've only manged to get 1 win streak and I'm not sure how many you need to get to the tower, if that's implemented yet.)

More locations would be nice, maybe some passive boons?

How do enemy spawns work? If they're entirely based on chance, an unlucky player could get overrun very quickly and a lucky one would get barely any? Or does the game have a set amount of monsters to spawn for each 50 steps?

I did found a bug. For example you could use the archer's ability to shoot 3 arrows at 3 lanes. The first two could hit an enemy, and you could cancel the attack before the third lands. Doing this allows the archer to move again, though the energy is used, and the two enemies got hit.

Overall this game is really good! Even mobile there's no freezes or anything. Looking forward to new content, don't push yourself too hard dev or devs.

Thanks! I'll put that bug on the list. About the respawns, each captured girl reduces the max spawn by one, being in a boss or miniboss fight does the same. the spawn number is random between 0 and the max spawn number.

About the map, each map means a different boss (there's 3). The mountain blocks your path to the next event

Is the tower not available yet? Or does it appear once you beat the 3 bosses?

Not available yet


I can't play because when I download the file it comes in .rar

You need winrar or 7zip to extract the file first 

Ok thx :)

What the guy said, hope you enjoy the game

Deleted 81 days ago



The game is fun, but there really needs to either be a consistent way to get stronger, or a lot less RNG when it comes to enemy spawn. Its extremely hard to get anywhere with randomized skills mixed with random spawn rates. I did just invest some coins so maybe I can strike it lucky, but it is pretty hard to play with the limited attacks you have.

(1 edit) (+2)

Agreed, it's a little frustrating that the only skill for traps (so far that I've seen) is green but you have to be pretty dumb to waste time setting them instead of attacking in her preferred zone. I also always get flooded with blue enemies and that means GG just skip until they finish you off since they can just let all the other enemies hit you from anywhere and you can't do enough damage to get through them all. I've also found out that after to many times of Green hitting an enemy for 20 damage and overkilling when failing to hit full health enemies for more than 10, I just have to turn off the game.

If you need some strategies, check our discord, people have posted lots of them

(2 edits)

The graphics looked nice but this gameplay was boring to me. 

Sorry, the game is not for you then

So I played for a few hours, really enjoyed the game, but the next time I went to start it, the title screen wouldn't load.

Are you on windows 8?

I'm getting a similar issue where when trying to open the game on a fresh download the title screen is just a blue screen with the cursor visible. 

I'm on windows 10

I think that problem should be solved, download the latest windows version and let me know if the problem is still there, please

Latest update got me past the title screen. The new game button and continue button both start a fresh game but what I'm assuming to be the sound of text on the intro cut-scene does not show any text, just the scrolling banner. 

Also the other menu buttons (options, extra, exit) do not have a function when clicked.

Windows 10 actually, but I believe it's fixed now, never seen this bug again, you're doing a good job with the game btw :)


Hey! Could you make none-Mega download links please?

What mirrors would you recommend? Also, why don't you like mega?

Google drive, Pixeldrain, anything except mega.

Cuz i can't download from mega

Deleted 359 days ago

You should be able to click "just take me to the downloads" to get the game. Let me know if you are still having problems

(1 edit)

If you are fighting the miniboss kill the constrictor first because if the constrictor constricts someone and the miniboss throws the constrictor, the constricted person cant be freed.

Thanks for letting us know. It is on the list for the next hotfix


Honestly, this is the best nsfw game I've ever played, it's so good I made an account just to write this. The art style is good, the character design is good, the history is funny, and most importantly, the gameplay is good (but a little too difficult). I will buy this game when it comes out.



Sooo, I've done 5 runs and completed only 1 one them which means it's doable. Hard, but doable. The waves are completely RNG based: sometimes the game keeps throwing 3 lines of enemies each waves and sometimes it just doesn't spawn them at all for 3 waves in a row. And I haven't completely figured it out whether certain enemies appear on certain locations or it's just a bad luck. Overall, the game has a great potential as well as it needs improvement. Hoping that it won't be abandoned :)

Thanks! There are some rules for the spawn. Each captured girl reduces the max amount to respawn by one, if you are in a boss or miniboss battle, the max amount is also reduced by one. Otherwise the amount to spawn is a random number between 0 and 3

I get to download a rar data? What am I supposed to do with that? I decited because of the limit, I don't like Mega

You get to download the game. If you are playing on PC, yeah, you download a rar file

This game has a lot of potential! I'm sharing this around!

(R18 NSFW Graphic below)

Love the fact the heroines have unique portrait and animations whenever they take action or being attacked.

I would like to suggest that It would be more erotic if there's gangbang and body writing content in this game.

For instance, Moral Sword of Asagi,

And Sneak in Desparada,

Have you played these two game before? 

Thanks! This game was a bug inspiration for our game! If you are into body writing, check our discord, we have shared some extra art that has it


Al analizar el archivo APK del juego me aparece que tiene


Nose que es pero no confío

I would like to get the answer for this in english too.

When analyzing the APK file of the game it appears to me that it has


I don't know what it is but I don't trust

I suggest you submit the file to virustotal and check the results

Damn it, the game really dragged on, comrade, didn’t you think about releasing a version on Steam? I would love to buy it. And the question is, are any updates possible in the future?


We are planning for a steam release. Also the full game is planned to feature 5 full levels, so yeah, we have future updates planned


This is a really nice game! Love the art and humor added to it. Hope to see more scenes with characters later on because its a crying shame that the really good art is only seen for a few seconds. Would love to see some extra scene with the witch and the lizard trainer. Perhaps adding a gallery feature would be good too because again its a shame we only get to see some things for a second :D

Overall hope to see this game improve further! Its really good so far. (Monster balancing can be a bit off but I got used to it on my 2nd/3rd run)

Thanks! If you want the sexy portraits to last longer, there's a slider on the config menu. The gallery will come on the next update


Will there be futa?

We have no plans for it atm, sorry!

It's tough. Could probably use some difficulty settings.

But it's fun!



I was fighting this bomb guy until he blew up. and at first, I was like "BWA AHAHAHAHA!!! RETARD BLEW UP HIS BUDDYS FOR ME LMAO" but little did I know... THAT DASTARDLY DEMON SOFTLOCKED MY GAME! And try as I might... I was forced to restart the game.


Sorry about that, That soflock is on the list for the next hotfix




And suffering (and sex)


Monster control in this game is crazy for the first level  facing over 50 I would need to waste all my stamina to clear and even then they just keep coming the basic attacks don't help when things start ramping up its more of a nuisance that I have to click 3 or more times on the same enemy to try and kill them and I still wouldn't kill them half the time. Offering up your sexual resistance in the first level or praying you make it through without doing so is a miracle 

(1 edit)

But good game concept wise still been playing for 3 hours tryna figure stuff out. Yeah I'm done got to the last part and got screwed by the stupid slime boss 

Thanks! Don't worry, the game is hard, but if you want some strategies, there's a bunch on our discord server


Hey, you forgot to mark this as adult!

Thanks! I hope it is properly marked now

It is! Thank you.

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