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how to get skin?

run out of stamina and bring back from slaver

must lose, right?

You get bondage skin by freeing a captured girl using the slaver or one of his tickets


This game is too hard for no reason , first time playing it   :|


It can feel hard in the beginning, we have strategies on our discord if you want to check it out


Fun game, but an easier mode would be nice. Some runs can feel deeply unfair, in an unfun way, not a "Enjoying a roguelite" way.

Otherwise, there's some quality horny in this, an easy to understand system, fun designs, good art... Looking forward to more (and to hand you a few bob when I actually have some)


(Specific problem on the 1st lev: Wizards being way too tanky for support enemies. Nothing quite like getting your ninja boned when they have 40 hp and there's another 5 active, not to mention other enemies)

Oh, and other, seemingly paradoxical section: Unlocking a slave-run mode, mainly for easier CG collection.


Thanks for the feedback, we have strategies and mods on our discord server, if you want to try either


Ehhh, strategies only get you so far, it's not like I'm a newbie to the genre, and it's not like I can't semi consistently hit level 2, depending on what skills I get.

Mods, however, might suit. But honestly, if a game needs modding to see later content, there... Might be a balance issue?

Level 1 is difficult, but by no means impossible (sans the chameleon miniboss who is an absolute bitch) unless you get a heavy spawn of wizards or slimes.

Level 2, however... Can't lie, there's a lot of tanky bastards there, and it's by no means unusual to be unable to kill blockroaches before they create an absolute swathe of complete block, or to have so many Cutterflies that you get screwed a few rounds after that happens.

Skills, items, and spells being unlocked is good and all, but one thing that might help is a permabuff system. That way, you get the challenge portion moving to later stages the more you earn coins (spending them on buffs after you have all items/spells.)

If there is a permabuff building to be unlocked already, I'd really, really like to know where the heck it is. If not, that's one solution to the problem that might work and keep engagement for players who find it too tough that's perhaps more acceptable than "easier mode"

Still definitely holding out for "Slave Run", though.


We are making a roguelike, so resetting after each run is in our designs, we may do some meta progression, but it's hard to say atm


Then y'definitely need some rebalancing if you want to avoid it. There was a phrase I used to use as a reviewer: A Game That Does Not Want To Be Played.

Yes, Roguelikes are hard. But most are fair hard, and early levels are not, well... A meatgrinder. I get through the first area precisely because I'm experienced, and I can understand the 2nd area being hard as balls right now, because it's the final area you have content for, and I've definitely seen developers make the final level during that stage of development harder before the next area is complete because they want to, basically, let you see new content without being able to finish the new content.

But right now, roguelike or no, you also have to consider that one of your selling points is the NSFW (which, as I've said, is pretty damn good, even if your gallery and demononicon's a little incomplete rn, but I have faith you'll fix the lack of the [REDACTED] status CGs in the gallery because you're clearly passionate about the game), and you're getting players dropping the game precisely because the first level is almost as difficult as the second (the second's gimmick, btw, is interesting, but does require a little luck if you don't have monster movement skills beyond the basic attacks of Warrior and Ninja), who are never even seeing the second, lovingly crafted area.

Another piece of advice I've given developers before, and some have been pretty grateful for it, is: Don't just take hardcore player feedback. Two racing game I reviewed had horrendous par times that only pro, pro players could reach. Not for platinum medal, mind you. Gold, with even Silver being an absolute bitch, because they only heard "It's too easy" from hardcore racing gamers. One of them took the advice, and did well. The other got panned.

Making it eaaaaasy for "mass appeal" is a bad move. Making it easier (or the aforementioned easier mode) than it is now, however? Ahhh, no, that's pretty useful. Because people will still have to work like an SOB on your current "final" area, while not letting them get too frustrated to keep playing in your not-final areas.

You want to make it hard, and I understand that. But you also want people to play to at least the middle, and that's a tough balancing act.


A lot of enemies have way too much health for the beginning of the run, I just naturally run out of Sex resist trying to just skill them away already. In combination with how long it takes to get anywhere a lot of my runs end before the first area

Is the game not compatible for Android or is there an issue with the Android version?

If you have android 14 there may be compatibility issues, I'm looking into it

Im on a samsung gal s24 ultra freshly updated and i still cant install the app

Ok, I'll take a look into that

Alright :( please do love the game and the unique art btw the concept is so simple yet so entertaining at the same time the dialogues are so cool too all in all great work and really enjoyed I hope you can fix it soon :D

Thanks, I'm doing my best to make it work


the discord server link's expire btw

you should make it a permanent link

For me it works. Is it this one?

When i tried downloading and opening with windows zip, got a message saying that the file wasn't a valid rar. Not sure if the problem is on my end or with the new release.

Weird, we have it available for free on patreon, try to get it there:


Got to name the MC Skull-bliterator

10/10, would skull-bliterate again


could you add a shot in the biggening area where you can spend blue coins for a temp buff for the next run 

Interesting idea, I'll talk to the team

Deleted post

I'm looking into it

W name

Great choice

Can anyone tell me how I can save my progress? please

you can make a temporary save in the rest area between levels. The game is a rogue-like, so if you die you have to restart.


Game Still crashes when loading into the Holy lands wile on Android.

If you want send me the specs of your phone

it's the Same Galaxy Tab A running on Android version 11. The game goes to the loading screen after tapping the door at the beginning of the game, loads for about 2 to 3 seconds, then crashes out of the game.

Thanks, I'll look into that

Could you add an option to hide the HUD if you press a button, like F1 or smthn, or in the options menu?


That's an interesting idea, I'll put on the list


The game is awesome, the gameplay is very interesting 

One small issue, when I tried installing it on android, the game constantly closes itself whenever I enter the holy lands

Interesting, you can dm me your phone specs if you want

Hi, uh, sorry I'm only asking this now but, where do I dm you?

You can dm me on discord, but if you leave a star review on itch, I'm pretty sure only I can see the text

(1 edit)

para que version es este para android o para pc 

It happens if these two are captured when you arrive on brad

So I'm having an issue that prevents me from installing the game on my phone. I am using a Galaxy S24+ that's running Android 14, but I can't install the apk because it says it's not compatible with my device. Will there be a version that's compatible with Android 14 phones?


The next release should have this problem fixed, thanks



This screen is for equipping spells, that you can use to capture enemies and unlock their entries on the gallery

y como se equipo los echizos

Talk to gallia and she will instruct you on that

para que sirve esto y como se desbloquea la gallery

como se consigue esto

Defeat the bosses and mini bosses. 


Hell yea!

A new actualitation after 3 months

will the wolf enemy ever get a scene?


This kind of content needs to be censored for  now, sadly

(1 edit) (+2)

This game is 10/10 

The fights are rough but fun the bosses are very fun an diferent like the slime girl and the two cyclops.

In my opinion the game need more fetish like bestiality(the only beast in the game is asexual)

Some futa content (the gladiator or the wizard in the camp)

This game so much potential , is free and for android. 

Thanks for the feedback

this game is fun and hard at the same time it really depends how you play the game or how the game plays with you XD 

and the amount of enemies is kinda hard when you got alot of them 

over all cool game 9/10

Thanks for playing

(2 edits)

Can u make the gallery have erotic sounds and make it move like in the battle?

And pls,add the secrets scene to the gallery


That's interesting, I'll run that to the team

Thanks,i really enjoy ur game


eta for next update?

No eta

will the game always be free?

They will up until the final release, but patrons and other supporters can get some benefits as well, that's the plan for now


We are happy that you like the game!

What is the game engine you use?


Trying to play the android version on a Galaxy Tab A, using Android 11 and the games hard crashes During the tutorial and if you skip the tutorial. It happens as Sword and Ninja go through the door in the tutorial, or when you skip the tutorial, during the load screen after you travel through the door.

Thanks, I"ll check it


I recently heard about this from a friend and from looking at just this page alone its pretty easy to tell that you care about this game and the playerbase, which is really the best thing you can hope for out of a developer. Thank you for doing the work you do, and just know that you and your work are appreciated.


Thank you for the kind words!


eta for next update?

Not at this time


Thanks! Currently each heroine can only equip one spell, but in the future there will be ways to unlock more slots

(2 edits)

Can u tell me how much the boss in this game?and does this game have an ending?i have defeated 4 different bosses.the puppet maker,fuck couple, agile with colorful body,and slime mother,and can u give me some hint for see the secret scene?

Btw,the balance in this update is so great,i can win the game easer than before version,thanks

I enjoy it a lot

To avoid spoiler on the itch page, I'll say for you to ask it in the spoiler channel on our discord, people will help you find it there

Thx,i did t,I have a suggestion for the gallery, it would be better if the action had the same movement and sound as when playing

This game is super good, thanks for making it!



how do you get the blue coins for shops?

Killing bosses and mini bosses

One thing is a difficult and fun game, and another is something unfair and boring in the long run, I feel that you should put aside those strategies that are almost useless because the number of enemies with a lot of life is absurd and focus better on how the gameplay It can be a little more balanced, this is not fear and hunger for God's sake. (Still, I'm not just trying to complain, I hope this game can continue to evolve, seriously, there is good material here and I expect great things, I hope it goes well for you)

We are always balancing the gameplay, we have a feedback channel on our discord for people to discuss things like that.

(2 edits)

love the game but will there be pin ups of the non playable girls like the female bosses and the gals who help you out though the game, and  can you make the net attacks better because the net trap is useless when there’s to many monsters on screen, also can make catching the bosses a little easier because it’s to hard trying to catch them while there too many monsters on screen, probably add a code that limits the monsters when fighting a boss so it can give the player a better chance of catching them.

If you want some strategies on using the net attacks, you can reach out on the Strategy channel on discord, there are lots of good methods there to use them

does the game have any secrets? 


any hints

There's a big one regarding beholdan and beholly, if you want more details and secrets, you can reach out on our discord. Folk are pretty friendly over there

will there ever be a shop for the harder to get gallery pics?

We are not sure of that atm

This game is quite exciting and stimulating, but please lower the difficulty level or at least provide a choice of difficulty level. We play 3 heroines even though they can use unique and varied skills, we need the right strategy because the number of enemies and the impact of their attacks makes it difficult to fight Boss.I've played dozens of times, but only won 3 times

If you need help you can check the Strategy channel on our discord

Awesome game! Is there a plan to add meat urinal features? Like tally marks? Would be hot if the girls continues to fight even after getting gangbanged like a popular meat urinal.
This game reminds me of The Moral Sword of Asagi,

Moral sword of asagi was an inspiration for our game!

I love the game and i think it would be cool if the shopkeeper could sale some costumes and pinups in future updates. also think it would be neat if the player could unlock a secret art or something by get all the girls comments on a monster.


Costumes are on our plans, and we have some secret scenes in the game ;)

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