I'll just go in the discord later but here's a thing, there are certain events that makes the character name in default. The item shop owner/Fuu resets it.
Unsure if this is a bug but I thought I'd share it nonetheless cause it feels off. So the bossfight begins against this big dude and I lose two heroines, my only one left is Ninja. Thing is, no more enemies spawned. I killed the ones remaining and now I'm just spamming basic attack against this guy slowly waiting for him to die. Is this normal?
The game adjusts the difficulty based on your needs, so if you are in a boss battle with two fallen girls, yeah, there won't be any spawns. We may change it in the future though.
I love the game so far, only thing I'd change is make the map bigger, and have the monsters act as waves instead of an onslaught, maybe in between waves you can use iteams to get H scenes or prepare for the next fight.
I dont know its a bug or not but a hero cannot be able to use 2 spells at the same time. I mean i cant equip the second spell on any hero. Also developer need to improve the visual effects that mobs has in the combat, Its hard to recognize which mob having sex with hero or any effect. Game is fun btw. ^^
The Hotfix makes gamelay better i said game is fun but there is a thing: The gameplay is too short for unlocking saved girls scenes :D its almost impossible if i play too good i wont be able to see scenes. Waiting for updates ^^
First time trying out the game, I had fun and challenges, losing 2 times before my first clear, I like how many strategy can you take on this, so the issue is that I don't know what happened to my game.
The names have been set to default of Sword, Ninja, and Archer. after I played the game again, is there any way to fix it? It may just be a minor problem but I would like to know how to deal with it in the future.
I've been experiencing a bug where encountering Stitches causes the game to "crash" (shows the bug icon and stops gameplay). I'm on Windows if that helps.
would you consider adding a easy mod for more casual players? like have enemies reset each time a event/location is reached and not lose items on a fail?
in my oppinion the game is too difficult or im just bad :( I even looked in the tactics discord and saw some guy speedrunning, watched the runs and still dont know how it works...
I tried different strats but still get overrunned at step 2-3 idk, elsway the game is pretty nice
1. Keep enemies out of the zone of their color and most will be unable to hurt you.
2. Most skills do full damage even if you target enemies outside of the heroine's preferred zone.
3. Get F*cked more. A heroine will recieve a temporary x2 damage buff if you destroy the enemy she's having sex with. Keeping enemies alive in their zones with low health is a great way to farm the buff and turn the tides in your favor.
4. Keep an eye on your HP bars to stay on top. If possible try to not have all 3 Heroines have low SR at the same time. Don't be low on Stamina if you've got lots of enemies in their zones.
5. Planning your route. If you've started a round with skills you aren't very good at using. Try your best to make it to the shop so you can purchase more skills. If you feel pretty confident, challenge a mini boss to get some stat upgrades. If not, you should probably take a different path. If you think you know who the final boss will be, purchase items you can use to keep yourself on top.
Let me know if these tips help you win some more of your runs.
after severel tries i had 1 victory now but i still think kinda the same. In my Opinion its nearly impossible to win without cheap multi target spells.
I cant see my mouse cursor fixed with CTRL pointer somehow game will be playable but pressing ctrl is skipping dialouges so I messed up with entire tutorial it was experimental :D
I can not find the spells and gallery in the newest update. I have been playing for A WHILE and have found nothing exept the scarcrowgirl cutscene, but it didn't lead to anything. What am I doing wrong here?
Right now we're working on the bestiary/gallery. Then after that we'll start on world 2. (join the discord if you'd like to keep an eye on progress, we are very active there)
Hi, i really like your game. Maybe not the fighting mechanics yet, but the artstyle is REALLY good. Cant wait until updates! (Also please add the gallery, and maybe make gropes dissapear slower please cuz right now they dissapear so fast i cant really see anything, let alone enjoy them)
thanks! The next update will be the gallery, and currently in the pause menu there's a slider for "action duration", it's the duration of the grope scenes
Maybe I am the only one, but that little "tk" at the end of choosing sound in menu is so annoying, I know one could just ignore, but the more you try doing so, the more you start hearing it...
P.s. Encountered a bug: placed a wire trap on the second middle red field and used Knight's skill that pushes 1 enemy back (red arrow with three dark red dots), then I couldn't do anything, it just froze in that state, opening and closing the map didn't help.
Hello, I have some questions. What would it be: is there any difference between the PC and Mobile version? If so, can you tell me any of these differences?
The tutorial is self explanatory, but if you are having problems, we have a channel on our discord server for strategies on how to better play the game
Ah, it's the abbrievation of TransFormation (the F isn't normally capitalized.). like there are a lot of games like that online. it's a whole thing. I enjoy games with that sort of thing. one popular example of them are werewolves, they transform into a beastlike (or fully bestial) form. there are lots of others though. You can find games with TFs in them all over the place, on steam, on itch.io, it even has it's own site dedicated to stuff with the kink called "TFGames.site" . it's also a tag on places like DLSite, and more illegal piratey sites, which I will not say the name of here, but if ya know, ya know. anyways, that's what I'd say TFs are, though I may have forgotten some parts of it. one game I quite enjoy that has TFs in it as a major part of it is a game called: "Moncurse". it's quite good, I'd recommend it.
Bro there is a Bug that doesn't let you download it on Android, I already tried it with my cell phone and it doesn't let me download it and with another ta
Thanks for answering, btw how do those blue ghosts with 40hp work, they do some buff and then they can always attack, i thought enemies need to be in the right color to attack
Their ability is to make enemies attack from any position, we'll be releasing a bestiary soon that will explain it better, but if you want, join our discord because there's lots of things explained there in detail by our fans
Don't know if it is just me but for some reason the dialogue is now broken with the new patch 1.134. It plays the sounds and still requires clicks and all so I know it is supposed to be happening. However now it just stays on the current screen and I have to skip whatever they were talking about to continue. Reloading the game doesn't help so I am a bit sad because I missed the first encounter with the scarecrow boss.
This game is mega fun! To be honest I like the game the way it is, hard and interesting, since you need some tactics to win, and also I was pleasantly surprised that this game has interaction when you give characters their basic name
Great game, but the difficulty is incredibly high. Some kind of "come back" mechanic should be in place, early bad runs just gets worse as times progress. Also shouldn't monsters be cleared between each map event ? It feels odd that there is no breathing room in a run.
Yes being captured and fucked over if you don't have brad pisses me off tried for 4 hours still haven't beaten the first stage the lack of control over things is crazy the only ppl to beat it got lucky with the rng monster control is out of hand since they hurt stamina and Sr and lack of items to recover thise
Not complaining about difficulty, i do love hard games (Darkest Dungeon fan). It's just a game pacing could be better, currently it's very tense thru entire run.
Just downloaded the PC version and I have no text popups whatsoever, options doesn't work either, since it's been recently updated I'm guessing that's the issue :/
Hey have you fixed the bug where if the bomb miniboss explodes himself and the enemies around him due to not being able to set down his own bomb it causes a softlock cuz the enemies for some reason are not moving? I don't know the exact reason for why this occured, but I had been stopping the miniboss from attacking via using the ninja's restrain attack so that might have caused it. or it was due to the boss's explosion killing the enemy that was supposed to go next maybe? I am not sure. either way I am using an older version (since I didn't realize you updated the game already) so that's why I'm asking if you fixed that bug rather than reporting on a bug.
I wasn't able to replicate that bug, so it should not be fixed yet. If you encounter it again in the latest build, let me know and give as many details as possible so that I can fix it. Thanks
Yeah I'll try my best to see if it happens again. I also don't really get exactly how it happened to begin with, so I don't blame you for not really getting how it works either. also, I noticed that if you choose to continue game the names you chose for your characters reset to what seem to be the default names for them, which seems kinda odd, and does not seem listed in the bug fixes as of yet. so yeah, probably isn't fixed yet, but maybe it is.
← Return to game
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I'll just go in the discord later but here's a thing, there are certain events that makes the character name in default. The item shop owner/Fuu resets it.
Interesting, I'll check it
The game adjusts the difficulty based on your needs, so if you are in a boss battle with two fallen girls, yeah, there won't be any spawns. We may change it in the future though.
how do you get the third image where 2 of them are tied up?
If you reach the slaver with two girls captured, that's what you get
oh ok
I tried dowloading the windows version but my windows security flagged it for a trojan dection
Upload it to virustotal and check it out
how do you capture enemy's for the gallery?
Use the net spells unlocked by gallia
where is gallia?
In the hole in the hub after you get the spellstone
I love the game so far, only thing I'd change is make the map bigger, and have the monsters act as waves instead of an onslaught, maybe in between waves you can use iteams to get H scenes or prepare for the next fight.
Thanks for the feedback
Есть у кого файл сохранений со сценами? я криворукий хуесос, который дальше 3 позиций не прошёл.
We don't offer complete save files but you can try your luck on our discord server
I dont know its a bug or not but a hero cannot be able to use 2 spells at the same time. I mean i cant equip the second spell on any hero. Also developer need to improve the visual effects that mobs has in the combat, Its hard to recognize which mob having sex with hero or any effect. Game is fun btw. ^^
Thanks, the spell thing is not a bug, you'll be able to unlock more spaces in future updates.
The Hotfix makes gamelay better i said game is fun but there is a thing: The gameplay is too short for unlocking saved girls scenes :D its almost impossible if i play too good i wont be able to see scenes. Waiting for updates ^^
In one run you can unlock most entries on the gallery, just use the spells efficiently
It keeps crashing on android to the point where it's literally unplayable
Tell me your phone model and give more details on the crash please.
Galaxy A12. It keeps crashing when I try to load the game.
First time trying out the game, I had fun and challenges, losing 2 times before my first clear, I like how many strategy can you take on this, so the issue is that I don't know what happened to my game.
The names have been set to default of Sword, Ninja, and Archer. after I played the game again, is there any way to fix it? It may just be a minor problem but I would like to know how to deal with it in the future.
That's weird, can you hop on the bug report channel on discord and talk about it in more detail?
I've been experiencing a bug where encountering Stitches causes the game to "crash" (shows the bug icon and stops gameplay). I'm on Windows if that helps.
Interesting, send the bug report
would you consider adding a easy mod for more casual players? like have enemies reset each time a event/location is reached and not lose items on a fail?
No easy mode unless mods
Hey, Android user here, the game keeps crashing during the first tutorial fight.
I don't think it's my device because I've ran much more demanding games before but this one can't even finish the first fight...
Interesting, does the same thing happen if you skip the tutorial? You can reach out on our bug report channel in discord as well if you want
I'll try skipping the tutorial next time 🍵
yeah, so, skipping the tutorial worked...but then the game crashed after a few minutes of gameplay during the first fight...
Interesting, what phone model you have? You can DM it to me if you want. I'll check this bug out
Galaxy A32 5G
Enjoy it!
in my oppinion the game is too difficult or im just bad :( I even looked in the tactics discord and saw some guy speedrunning, watched the runs and still dont know how it works...
I tried different strats but still get overrunned at step 2-3 idk, elsway the game is pretty nice
Some quick strategy tips:
1. Keep enemies out of the zone of their color and most will be unable to hurt you.
2. Most skills do full damage even if you target enemies outside of the heroine's preferred zone.
3. Get F*cked more. A heroine will recieve a temporary x2 damage buff if you destroy the enemy she's having sex with. Keeping enemies alive in their zones with low health is a great way to farm the buff and turn the tides in your favor.
4. Keep an eye on your HP bars to stay on top. If possible try to not have all 3 Heroines have low SR at the same time. Don't be low on Stamina if you've got lots of enemies in their zones.
5. Planning your route. If you've started a round with skills you aren't very good at using. Try your best to make it to the shop so you can purchase more skills. If you feel pretty confident, challenge a mini boss to get some stat upgrades. If not, you should probably take a different path. If you think you know who the final boss will be, purchase items you can use to keep yourself on top.
Let me know if these tips help you win some more of your runs.
thanks that help a lot :))
after severel tries i had 1 victory now but i still think kinda the same. In my Opinion its nearly impossible to win without cheap multi target spells.
where is your discord server?
I cant see my mouse cursor fixed with CTRL pointer somehow game will be playable but pressing ctrl is skipping dialouges so I messed up with entire tutorial it was experimental :D
This bug will be fixed on the next hotfix, thanks!
How can I improve in the game? I need strategy or tips
We have a strategy channel on discord, check it out
My mouse curser is invisible
Will be fixed on the next hotfix, for now try restarting
I can not find the spells and gallery in the newest update. I have been playing for A WHILE and have found nothing exept the scarcrowgirl cutscene, but it didn't lead to anything. What am I doing wrong here?
Find the spell stone in Fuu's shop, then go outside and take a look around.
Omg I thought that was a save animation. TY
But , wheres update?
Right now we're working on the bestiary/gallery. Then after that we'll start on world 2. (join the discord if you'd like to keep an eye on progress, we are very active there)
Hi, i really like your game. Maybe not the fighting mechanics yet, but the artstyle is REALLY good. Cant wait until updates! (Also please add the gallery, and maybe make gropes dissapear slower please cuz right now they dissapear so fast i cant really see anything, let alone enjoy them)
thanks! The next update will be the gallery, and currently in the pause menu there's a slider for "action duration", it's the duration of the grope scenes
Maybe I am the only one, but that little "tk" at the end of choosing sound in menu is so annoying, I know one could just ignore, but the more you try doing so, the more you start hearing it...
P.s. Encountered a bug: placed a wire trap on the second middle red field and used Knight's skill that pushes 1 enemy back (red arrow with three dark red dots), then I couldn't do anything, it just froze in that state, opening and closing the map didn't help.
You can decrease the volume for sounds, but reach out on our discord and give us more details and we'll see what we can do
Thanks, we want to translate the game in as much languages as possible. I'll look into chinese and other languages after we release the next update
Too hard
There are strategies on our discord
Hello, I have some questions. What would it be: is there any difference between the PC and Mobile version? If so, can you tell me any of these differences?
There no big differences, only slight adjustements to make the experience better on each device
i cant run this game on my phone,it says its not compatible with my phone.
Phone: pixel 7
Android version:14
How do I get different girls? I don't quite get it yet
The main three girls are the only ones. But there are three levels with three different bosses
How do I play this correctly?
The tutorial is self explanatory, but if you are having problems, we have a channel on our discord server for strategies on how to better play the game
Will there be TFs in this game? I myself like them, but either way this game is fun enough that I wouldn't mind if it wasn't in there.
What are TFs?
Ah, it's the abbrievation of TransFormation (the F isn't normally capitalized.). like there are a lot of games like that online. it's a whole thing. I enjoy games with that sort of thing. one popular example of them are werewolves, they transform into a beastlike (or fully bestial) form. there are lots of others though. You can find games with TFs in them all over the place, on steam, on itch.io, it even has it's own site dedicated to stuff with the kink called "TFGames.site" . it's also a tag on places like DLSite, and more illegal piratey sites, which I will not say the name of here, but if ya know, ya know. anyways, that's what I'd say TFs are, though I may have forgotten some parts of it. one game I quite enjoy that has TFs in it as a major part of it is a game called: "Moncurse". it's quite good, I'd recommend it.
Oh, I see. Yeah, we will feature transformation on level 2 onwards.
Also thanks for the game recommendation, I'll check it out.
No problem. looking forward to playing more of the game. it can def get a bit hectic with all the enemies, but that's (probably) part of the fun.
Bro there is a Bug that doesn't let you download it on Android, I already tried it with my cell phone and it doesn't let me download it and with another ta
Try the mirrors on our patreon
I can't see the purple sex resistance bar on mobile
Nevermind i just needed to open and close the map now I see the Bars
Sorry about that, let me know if it happens again
Thanks for answering, btw how do those blue ghosts with 40hp work, they do some buff and then they can always attack, i thought enemies need to be in the right color to attack
Their ability is to make enemies attack from any position, we'll be releasing a bestiary soon that will explain it better, but if you want, join our discord because there's lots of things explained there in detail by our fans
Don't know if it is just me but for some reason the dialogue is now broken with the new patch 1.134. It plays the sounds and still requires clicks and all so I know it is supposed to be happening. However now it just stays on the current screen and I have to skip whatever they were talking about to continue. Reloading the game doesn't help so I am a bit sad because I missed the first encounter with the scarecrow boss.
Sorry about that, I'll check it out
Great game! Is there anywhere we could download or stream the music?
Thanks! We'll share it soon
A question when the wolves and giant spiders come out
When you least expect. The next level will have some spider-like creatures
This game is mega fun! To be honest I like the game the way it is, hard and interesting, since you need some tactics to win, and also I was pleasantly surprised that this game has interaction when you give characters their basic name
The game is great, but it's too hard for my taste.
Thanks for playing it! You can join our discord for strategies on how to play it. But yeah ,the game is challenging
Where can I find the discord? I also have problems beating this game.
Nevermind, found it. It's in the game's title screen
Great game, but the difficulty is incredibly high. Some kind of "come back" mechanic should be in place, early bad runs just gets worse as times progress. Also shouldn't monsters be cleared between each map event ? It feels odd that there is no breathing room in a run.
Yes being captured and fucked over if you don't have brad pisses me off tried for 4 hours still haven't beaten the first stage the lack of control over things is crazy the only ppl to beat it got lucky with the rng monster control is out of hand since they hurt stamina and Sr and lack of items to recover thise
If you want some strategies on how to win the game, our discord has a channel just for that. Thanks!
Not complaining about difficulty, i do love hard games (Darkest Dungeon fan). It's just a game pacing could be better, currently it's very tense thru entire run.
Thanks for the feedback! You can join our discord and talk more with us about that, we are always tweaking the game.
Just downloaded the PC version and I have no text popups whatsoever, options doesn't work either, since it's been recently updated I'm guessing that's the issue :/
Hey have you fixed the bug where if the bomb miniboss explodes himself and the enemies around him due to not being able to set down his own bomb it causes a softlock cuz the enemies for some reason are not moving? I don't know the exact reason for why this occured, but I had been stopping the miniboss from attacking via using the ninja's restrain attack so that might have caused it. or it was due to the boss's explosion killing the enemy that was supposed to go next maybe? I am not sure. either way I am using an older version (since I didn't realize you updated the game already) so that's why I'm asking if you fixed that bug rather than reporting on a bug.
I wasn't able to replicate that bug, so it should not be fixed yet. If you encounter it again in the latest build, let me know and give as many details as possible so that I can fix it. Thanks
Yeah I'll try my best to see if it happens again. I also don't really get exactly how it happened to begin with, so I don't blame you for not really getting how it works either. also, I noticed that if you choose to continue game the names you chose for your characters reset to what seem to be the default names for them, which seems kinda odd, and does not seem listed in the bug fixes as of yet. so yeah, probably isn't fixed yet, but maybe it is.
Thanks, I'll look into these as well